Facial Plastic Surgery Blog
What is an inverted V deformity?
What is an inverted V deformity? How will a nose job fix this? An inverted V deformity refers to a narrowing of the middle third of the nose. This may occur following the removal of a bump along the bridge of the nose and subsequent repositioning of the nasal bones. The inverted V deformity can […]
What does saddle nose (or ‘boxer’s nose’) refer to?
What does saddle nose (or ‘boxer’s nose’) refer to? How can it be treated by a rhinoplasty? A saddle nose deformity occurs when the cartilaginous support of the bridge or dorsum of the nose is lost, thus resulting in collapse of this region and a subsequent “saddle” appearance on profile. This is known as a […]
Frequently Asked Questions about Rhinoplasty
Frequently Asked Questions about Rhinoplasty What is rhinoplasty? Rhinoplasty refers to reshaping of the nose. The most common reason individuals seek out Dr. Batniji’s expertise in this surgery is to remove a bump or hump, refine the tip of the nose, straighten the nose, and/or make the nose smaller in appearance. Another reason patient’s consult […]
When can I resume exercise after rhinoplasty?
When can I resume exercise after rhinoplasty? You can take long walks approximately 1 week after rhinoplasty. By the second week, you can begin doing light treadmill and/or stationary bike exercises, but avoid exercises that include lifting of heavy weights. You can begin lifting light weights by the 3rd week. One month after rhinoplasty, you […]
Can I go out in the sun after rhinoplasty?
Can I go out in the sun after rhinoplasty? It is best for you to minimize sun exposure for the first month after nose surgery. If the nose is overexposed to sun, it may increase swelling. Also, the skin of the nose may be numb for the first 3-6 months after surgery. Therefore, it is […]
I was told I would need to take ear cartilage to help with my rhinoplasty revision surgery
I was told I would need to take ear cartilage to help with my rhinoplasty revision surgery. But how will this affect my ear? In revision rhinoplasty procedures, there may be a paucity of cartilage within the nasal septum. Therefore, another source for cartilage is needed. Often, I use ear cartilage for this purpose. Through […]
I am 58 years old and my wife had a facelift 3 years ago
I am 58 years old and my wife had a facelift 3 years ago. She looks great, and now I am thinking of having the surgery. How does the male facelift surgery differ from those performed on females? One issue to consider is the design of the incision. Your wife had a post-tragal incision, meaning […]
How does a pollybeak deformity occur during a rhinoplasty?
How does a pollybeak deformity occur during a rhinoplasty? A pollybeak deformity refers to swelling of the region above the tip of the nose; this is called the supratip. There are 2 potential causes for a pollybeak deformity. One is scar tissue. The other is cartilage. After rhinoplasty, I may consider steroid injections in the […]
What does SMAS mean with regards to a facelift?
I was doing research on facelifts because I am interested in having the procedure. I found the phrase SMAS, what does it mean? How does it pertain to a facelift? SMAS refers to a layer beneath the skin of the face known as the superficial muscular aponeurotic system. I perform a modified deep plane facelfit […]
I am 24-years-old and I am hoping to have a rhinoplasty to fix my crooked nose.
I am 24-years-old and I am hoping to have a rhinoplasty to fix my crooked nose. However, I have always had very thin skin and I worry this will be an issue during my procedure. Is there a way to help my nose job be successful despite my thin skin? Skin thickness is an important […]