Lip augmentation
My lips have lost their fullness as I age. I would love lip augmentation and would like to know how you do this procedure. Does this require more than one session?
I use a dental block to minimize discomfort when performing lip augmentation. I tend to favor hyaluronic acid fillers, such as Juvederm, for lip augmenation. I inject this product in such a way as to reclaim a more youthful, natural appearance of the lips. For example, we adhere to some characteristic aesthetic qualities of the lips, such as achieving a slightly smaller upper lip relative to the lower lip. If the lips are injected in such a way that the upper and lower lips are of the same size, this may result in an un-natural appearance. As well, we place volume in specific areas of the lips; this allows us to avoid the over-injected, homogeneous appearance of the lips. When lip augmentation is done well, it fits the face and does not garner attention.