Facelift Surgery: Planning Ahead for Success

Patients who are interested in undergoing a plastic surgery should make the necessary preparations to ensure the most successful recovery possible. Facelift surgery is a popular plastic procedure, and it is important that patients who will have the procedure plan accordingly. Not only is the face the first feature that people notice in one another, but it also contains delicate structures, like the eyes and mouth.
Candidates for Facelift Surgery
The benefits of facelift surgery can be enjoyed by anyone, whether a woman or man, seeking to restore the look of youth to their skin. The landmark features of the face including the eyes, cheeks, nose, and lips may begin to lack definition, and the chin may blend in with the neck. Patients considering a facelift may notice these changes that accompany age. In order to ensure a safe surgery, Dr. Batniji requires that his patients are in good health prior to the procedure. Certain conditions can pose risk during facelift surgery and the healing process. Healthy facelift candidates are typically active with good eating habits, non-smokers, and enjoy drinking only in moderation. The doctor will assess the patient’s health and the extent of facial aesthetic concerns. If necessary, patients will need to take care of existing health concerns before they are deemed healthy enough for surgery.
While patients should be both physically and mentally prepared to endure a facial plastic surgery, they should also ensure they can allow the appropriate healing period to follow. While some procedures like the “weekend facelift” are designed to offer lesser corrections to the face and a faster healing period, the traditional facelift will require an extended recovery time. An adequate resting period will not only promote patient health during this time, but also minimizes the risk of injury or other factor that can result in subpar results. Many people opt to undergo facelift surgery before an important date in their life, such as the wedding of a child or even their own wedding anniversary. Through the excitement, one must be prepared to rest.
The Facelift Surgery
Depending on the extent of changes requested, facelift surgery times will vary, but on average last about three hours. To better understand the healing period, patients should be aware of how facelift surgery is performed. There are many variation of facelift that patients can undergo. As mentioned earlier, a weekend facelift requires minimal downtime, and in turn may not create as significant changes as the facelift. Mid-facelift or cheek lift targets the central area of the face and lifts sagging cheeks, while also improving the look of downturned lips. Browlift, also called forehead lift surgery, targets the forehead, including the position of the eyebrows and upper eyelids.
Traditional facelift procedures are designed to target the full extent of the face, and involved the tightening of underlying structures. The doctor may perform a patient’s facelift as Deep Plane, Sub-SMAS, or SMAS, depending on the intervention requested. Deep plane facelift procedures offer the most internal correction, while an SMAS facelift is performed in more superficial layers. Sub-SMAS facelift techniques fall somewhere in the middle. When the facelift is performed under any of these three methods, an incision spanning from one ear to the next by way of the scalp allows the doctor access to the areas of the face that will be altered. Extra fat is either excised or liposuctioned from the face, while the muscles and corresponding ligaments are stretched to position, with the excess material trimmed away. Unwanted facial skin is also cut away from the face, which will promote a less-wrinkled final result.
Preparing for Facelift Recovery
Prior to making the trip to Dr. Batniji’s office for facelift surgery, patients should plan ahead to recover from the procedure. To ensure a stress-free visit, patients ought to secure a ride home or to their recovery location as driving will not be possible after the surgery, and potentially for several days following. Though facelift is performed on an ambulatory basis, patients can ask a close friend or family member to stay with them after their facelift. It may be more comfortable for patients to have others perform tasks for them, or assist them with daily tasks to make them comfortable. Before the day of surgery, patients can prepare in advance in a number of ways by cleaning their homes, filling any after-surgery medications, and setting up their recovery area. Dr. Batniji may suggest specific items to use or purchase for the postsurgical healing phase, including ice packs, saline solution, baby shampoo, and other healing and hygiene products.
The best way to begin planning for facelift surgery is to visit Dr. Batniji at his Newport Beach, California office to discuss your concerns. Call the office at (949) 650-8882, or email the staff to schedule this initial appointment.