Avoiding the Perils of Conflicting Information

The Internet can be a great source of information on nearly any subject. The amount of information to which we have access today is astonishing. One has to navigate this vast database with caution, however, when judging the integrity of the information you can find. Often, it is easy to spot false information. But when you’re trying to navigate an unfamiliar process, such as planning a plastic surgery procedure, it can be difficult to know which sources you can trust. So how do you wade through conflicting information and get the truth about the procedure or procedures you’re considering?
Find the Right Sites
Just as students are told to use reputable resources for their assignments, you should only use quality, fact-based sites in your research. The sites of major plastic surgery authorities, major hospitals, and well-known plastic surgeons are your best bets for accurate information. Take information you gain from forums with a grain of salt—there are often myths and speculation hidden among the facts.
Don’t Trust Guarantees or “Too Good to Be True”
If sites make generalizations or guarantees, then you should be wary of the information on the site. Plastic surgery is highly variable, and the results depend on the patient, surgeon, and a variety of other factors. Anyone who unequivocally promises good results is not being realistic. Though a skilled surgeon can produce consistently good results for the majority of patients, complications are always a possibility. If promises on a site seem too good to be true, they probably are.
Find Multiple Sources
If several sources are providing similar advice, chances are better that the information is reliable. With that said, this is not a failsafe method, myths are still perpetuated, and people can believe all kinds of things that may or may not be true. Remember to cross-check with reliable sources. For a more obscure question, you may need to wait until your consultations to get a satisfactory answer.
Talk to a Professional
When it comes to facial plastic surgery, there is no one more knowledgeable than an experienced plastic surgeon, and you will be meeting with at least a few before you schedule your procedure. Take the opportunity to ask specific questions during your consultation and clarify anything you are unsure of. If you only meet with reputable and trustworthy professionals, you should be able to get a wealth of information out of your sessions.
Finding a Surgeon You Can Trust
When you’re turning to a specific source for all your information, you really need to be able to trust that source to give you reliable information. The good news is that there are many excellent plastic surgeons in the United States with the skills and integrity to help you navigate the process of cosmetic surgery or skin treatments. It is extremely important to do your research and trust your instincts when it comes to choosing a plastic surgeon. Only speak with board certified experts who have results you find impressive and a stellar reputation. Never choose a surgeon you don’t feel comfortable with!
Facial treatments often have higher stakes than other types of plastic surgery, due to the visibility of the facial features, so never skimp on the research process of choosing a surgeon. Dr. Rami K. Batniji is a renowned facial plastic surgery specialist, one of only a few in Newport Beach (949-650-8882) and Beverly Hills (310-467-2180), and he will be happy to answer your questions and help you plan your procedure during an informational consultation. Call either location today to schedule your appointment with Dr. Batniji.