Facial Plastic Surgery Blog
Treating Sports Injuries of the Nose

Sports can be a great activity for adults and kids alike, but there are some risks associated with nearly every sport, particularly contacts sports. Injuries are common, and while most are relatively minor, some can lead to disfigurement or other problems, particularly if the injury is to the nose. Breathing problems can result from sports […]
What Makes Lips Aesthetically Pleasing?

To most people, the lips are an important part of the overall facial balance and beauty of the face. We are all unique, but there are certain characteristics to the lips that many covet for a number of reasons. When it comes to the lips, these qualities might seem fairly straightforward, but there is more […]
Benefits of Choosing a Facial Surgery Specialist

Choosing to move forward with plastic surgery is a big decision, and it is not one that should be taken lightly. If the surgery is to be facial surgery, the decision can be even more difficult, as trusting your face to a doctor is difficult. For your results and your peace of mind, choosing a […]
What Is Profileplasty?

When people look in the mirror, they might see one feature that stands out as flawed, whether it’s the nose, chin, cheeks, or ears. Others see a more general problem with facial symmetry and balance, an issue that is harder to define but just as important to self-esteem as a crooked nose or ears that […]
Are Any Wrinkle Treatments Safe for Smokers?

We all know that smoking carries a high likelihood of negative consequences. It is much healthier to avoid the habit altogether. In addition to having an impact on overall health, smokers tend to experience aging at a greatly accelerated pace. “Smoker’s lines” around the mouth, premature deep wrinkles all over the face, dull and sagging […]
Should You Consider Juvederm Voluma?

The art of plastic surgery and cosmetic treatments is always evolving, and we continue to make progress in our approaches to aging. For instance, the focus on facial volume loss has only just begun in the last few years, but it is an important aspect of facial rejuvenation for many people. Along with this improved […]
Anti-Aging Throughout Life

We all know that for many things in life, prevention is far more effective than correcting problems that may come up along the way. Of course, there is no way to prevent problems like aging from creeping up eventually, but there is a lot we can do during any phase of life to keep signs […]
Do You Need a Facelift?

When it comes to plastic surgery, one of the most difficult decisions to make is which procedure to choose. This is especially true when you are considering an in-depth and intensive surgical procedure, such as a facelift. A facelift is a great way to lift and tighten the face for a more youthful appearance, and […]
Do E-Cigarettes Accelerate Aging?

We all know that smoking can have all kinds of negative repercussions on overall health, and that these effects are well-documented. It’s not easy to quit smoking though, and many people make attempts that are ultimately unsuccessful. In an effort to aid smokers in their transition to a smoke-free life, or simply to provide an […]
How Eyelid Surgery Affects Expression

Facial plastic surgery can have more than just an effect on how you feel about yourself, it can affect the way others perceive you as well. Aging can do more than produce lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. It can affect our overall resting expressions as well. These expressions are important, especially at times when others […]