Facial Plastic Surgery Blog
How do you make a large nose smaller?
How do you make a nose that’s too large smaller with rhinoplasty? There are a variety of methods we use to make a large nose smaller. For example, if you have a big hump along the bridge of the nose, we can refine that hump using precise micro-rasps. Unlike traditional methods of taking down a […]
What are special rhinoplasty techniques?
I keep hearing that patients of ethnicity have thicker skin and that special techniques need to be used for rhinoplasty, but what are these special techniques? In ethnic rhinoplasty, some patients may have thicker skin. Patients with thicker nasal skin pose a challenge to achieve refinement of the nasal tip. There are some special techniques […]
How is alloderm used?
Is alloderm a good choice when the nose needs to be built up? How is it used? While alloderm has been used with nice results, I tend to prefer using your own tissue to build the nose back up. My preferred material is something called temporalis fascia. This is a thin layer that covers a […]
Can a chin implant help with appearance?
I’ve heard that chin implant surgery and rhinoplasty are often combined. How does getting a chin implant help with the appearance of the nose? Occasionally, I see patients in consultation who wish to achieve a smaller nose. In other words, the patient believes the nose is too long for the face. During the consultation, I […]
Fat transfer for dark circles and hollowed area under eyes
I’ve got dark circles and hollowness under my eyes. Can fat transfer be used to improve this and is it safe? There are several possible causes for dark circles around the eyes. Some are medical conditions, like allergies and/or thyroid disorders. Identification of these potential medical conditions and, if present, treatment can improve upon the […]
Dangers of silicone cheek implants
I am considering cheek implants. I understand that they are made of a hard silicone. Is there any danger of this material being in your body? Risks of facial implants include (but not limited to) pain, infection, bleeding, improper position, need for removal and/or replacement. The benefit of facial implants is that it augments areas […]
Internet consultation for a nose job
I live about 3 hours from Newport Beach and I’d like to know if it would be possible to first consult via the Internet and/or phone regarding rhinoplasty before coming in to see you. We do offer the opportunity for patients to arrange for consultation via phone and/or internet as an initial consultation. Assuming you […]
Comparing types of lasers for skin resurfacing
There seem to be a lot of different lasers used for laser skin resurfacing. Does it make that much of a difference which laser is used? What are some of the more common or more effective lasers and what are they appropriate for treating? There are several companies that manufacture several types of lasers for […]
How long do necklift results last?
Hi. I am 54 years old and would like a neck lift. My 56-year-old sister and I have the same wrinkled neck and she is interested in one as well. How long do the effects of the neck lift generally last? Does the tightened skin continue to wrinkle at the same rate? A necklift is […]
Scar revision techniques
What exactly is the process for scar revision? Scar revision refers to a procedure that addresses the appearance of a scar. There are several different types of procedures available for scar revision. For example, skin resurfacing procedures may improve upon the appearance of a scar; those skin resurfacing procedures include laser resurfacing. Surgery is another […]