Facial Plastic Surgery Blog
Avoid the Windswept Look From Facelift Surgery

Many patients visit facial plastic surgeon Dr. Batniji to treat obvious signs of aging that gradually occur. A popular procedure is facelift surgery, which is designed to strengthen the underlying structure of the face and remove excess tissue such as skin and fat. While the transformative surgery can create a significantly more youthful look, an […]
How to Avoid Looking Fake After Facial Plastic Surgery

Elective cosmetic procedures are a great way to permanently improve a person’s looks and self-esteem, but what happens when surgery creates the opposite effect? Following facial plastics, one may feel his or her face has been overcorrected. When excessive amounts of tissue are removed, or the face has been sculpted with unnatural curvature, patients may […]
Getting the Facial Plastic Surgery Results You Desire

Undergoing facial plastic surgery is a momentous occasion in any patient’s life. As humans, we are seemingly programmed to continually strive for greater things, be it higher education, a promotion at work, or any other way to improve our own lives. Altering the look of the face may be necessary for the improvement of a […]
Facelift Surgery: Planning Ahead for Success

Patients who are interested in undergoing a plastic surgery should make the necessary preparations to ensure the most successful recovery possible. Facelift surgery is a popular plastic procedure, and it is important that patients who will have the procedure plan accordingly. Not only is the face the first feature that people notice in one another, […]
Knowing When Laser Treatments Could Benefit You

Recognizing the signs that skin could be improved through laser skin resurfacing often eludes people. Perhaps it is that the changes are gradual, only becoming noticeable when one feels they would no longer benefit from skin rejuvenation. Other potential patients may believe they have not yet reached the age where it is necessary to undergo […]
The Consultation: More than Just a Meeting

Aside from your decision to undergo a facial plastic surgery, meeting with your chosen surgeon for a consultation is the most important step of this transformative journey. Some patients feel this step is so crucial that they meet with a number of doctors before beginning their treatment plan. Others like to meet with their doctor […]
Is There a Link Between Selfies and Plastic Surgery?

No, according to the Washington Post. The news and entertainment website out of our nation’s capital claims that not only do the self-captured photographs titled the “selfie”not actually lead to an increase in face and body consciousness, but the purported linkage from surveying plastic surgeons is weak at best. The site reports that children are […]
Lower Blepharoplasty Patients

All too often, patients who visit a facial plastic surgeon to remove their under eye bags explain they have grown weary of constantly being asked if they are tired. The look of perpetual sleepiness is, after all, everyone’s concern. A spouse may want to ensure your health, or whether or not you are able to […]
Raising a Brow: A Potential New Use for Latisse

Though hair growth accelerator Latisse has been FDA-approved as an eyelash growth product specifically for use on the upper eyelids, this product has also successfully regrown eyebrow hairs. Considered an “off-label” use as an eyebrow growth product, or one for which it was not solely intended, Latisse may offer patients an alternative to over-plucked, thinning, […]
The Decision to Undergo Asian Eyelid Surgery

Variety is the spice of life, and this notion translates to everything from cultures of a nation to the ways its people look. As an immigrant rich country, the United States is perhaps home to the widest variety of ethnicities. Though beauty ideals have broadened, there seem to be some preferred facial plastic surgery options […]