The Impact of a Brow Lift on the Eyebrows
A cosmetic surgery that treats the upper-third of the face is called the brow lift, or forehead lift. Typically, this area of the face shows obvious signs of a person’s years due to the expressiveness of the eyes and forehead. Few are the facial expressions that do not prompt movements that eventually contribute to skin maturity. The procedure is designed to smooth the skin of the brow, lessen the look of lines and wrinkles of the forehead, and perhaps most importantly, raise the eyebrows.
In addition to aging creating unwanted changes of the upper face, a surgically suitable candidate of a younger age may be displeased with the relationship of the eyebrows to the eyes. Dr. Batniji understands these features are not only important to facial communication and to keeping the eyes free of debris, but they also add to the attractiveness of the face. Properly placed and well-shaped eyebrows can alter the shape of the face, highlight the eyes, and make larger features appear more proportionate with the overall face.
They’re Sisters – Not Twins!
In the beauty industry, it is often recognized that the eyebrows are not created identically. One eyebrow may be higher on the forehead or a slightly different shape. Because symmetry is the premise behind facial plastic surgery, a brow lift can equalize the difference in eyebrow height and harmonize the overall look. Dr. Batniji’s patients are often familiar with the fact that just a few millimeters shaved off the nose during a rhinoplasty can dramatically alter the face, and the same is true of surgery involving the eyebrows.
Eyebrows as a Focal Point
As humans, we look to a person’s eyes to gauge the reliability of his or her words and make eye contact throughout conversations to convey the fact that we are listening and showing respect for the speaker. There is more emphasis on this portion of a person’s face than any other, making the eyebrow area one of contact focus.
Those who keep up with beauty trends know that just as the “Golden Ratio” determines attractiveness of the face, there is also a simple calculation for brow measurements that creates the most ideal shape for a face. The inner eyebrows closest to the nose should align with the inner edge of the nostril, just beyond the columella of the nose; if you wish to make your eyes appear more wide set, you can create an eyebrow that lines up with the outer corner of the nostril. The arch should coordinate with a diagonal line from the outer nostril, at about a 30 degree angle from the point. Lastly, the eyebrows look best when they do not extend beyond the outer corner of the eyes.
An Added Bonus to the Forehead Lift
Aside from smoothing the forehead and altering the placement of the eyebrows, a brow lift can also smooth out frown lines. This effect is due to the gentle tugging of the skin as well as the trimming of excess tissues that promotes a permanently fixed epidermal overlay. If a patient seeks a more dramatic treatment of lines around the mouth, the forehead lift can be performed with a lower-face lift, dermal injections, or laser skin resurfacing.
Dr. Batniji is an expert in both facial anatomy and the underlying concepts of beauty. His knowledge and expertise have been recognized in the world of plastic surgery, and he is the recipient of nearly a dozen honors and awards. Meet the doctor by scheduling an appointment at his Newport Beach, California office: 949-650-8882. If you are not local to the Southern California area, Dr. Batniji’s staff can work around your travel arrangements.